Bebop Licks Guitar Pdf Pic
This page contains bebop scale guitar tab, fingerboard diagrams, notation and information. Using these you’ll be able to play all of the forms of this useful scale – all over the neck. Learn how to play more scales at our main scale page:. Download your copy of our printable guitar scales pdf ebook:.
Teaching yourself jazz guitar? Check out our review of jazz guitar books:. Bebop Scale Guitar Variations There are three main types of bebop scale: dominant, minor (Dorian), and major.
We’ll cover all three on this page. The most commonly used of these is the dominant – if you hear someone talk about ‘the bebop scale’, they’ll probably be referring to the dominant bebop scale. Bebop Scale Origins Bebop scales allow jazz improvisors to play fluent scale lines in which chord tones fall on the beat. They are not part of ‘strict’ musical theory – rather, they have evolved out of the kind of lines jazz musicians in the Bebop era – such as – were playing.
Jazz musicians often add extra chromatic notes into scales in order to hit the desired chord tones or ‘target’ notes at the end of a phrase. Bebop scales are essentially just one way of doing this.
Bebop Scale Construction Bebop scales contain one more note than ‘standard’ major scales (or modes of major scales). If you play an ascending or descending bebop scale in eighth notes (quavers) against a 4:4 rhythm, and then play a major scale over the same rhythm, you will be able to hear how much smoother the bebop scale sounds. The chromatic notes in the scale makes it sound much ‘jazzier’ than the standard major or Mixolydian scale. Dominant Bebop Scale In the fretboard diagrams below, the tonic notes of the scale are shown as white circles. The other notes of the scale are shown as black circles.
Fretboard diagram 1 corresponds to the tab below, but also shows additional notes below and above the root notes. These notes can be used to extend the scale into other octaves. C Bebop Scale alternative fingering. ad name=”Google Adsense Lge Rec” The dominant bebop scale is a with an added major 7th note. Therefore, a C bebop scale (as shown in the examples above) is basically a C Mixolydian scale with an added B natural. The dominant bebop scale can alternatively be thought of as a with a minor seventh note added.
The dominant bebop scale can be used to play jazz lines over a dominant chords (e.g. C7, C9, C13, etc.).
Minor Bebop Scale Minor bebop scales can be used to improvise over minor 7th chords, such as those found in. G Minor Bebop Scale Version 2 Guitar TAB Either version of the minor bebop scale can be used to solo over minor chords. Bebop Chords And 2 5 1 progressions Bebop scales can be used to create flowing lines over 2 5 1 progressions. Lines created with bebop scales can also be extended or combined with other scales or arpeggios.
You may have noticed that the G minor bebop scale (version 1) is essentially the same scale as the C dominant bebop scale. Both scales contain the same notes, they just start at different positions. Therefore, you can play either the dominant bebop scale, or version I minor bebop scale over both the ii and V of a 2 5 1 progression. Major Bebop Scales Major bebop scales are used to create smooth-sounding lines, in which chord tones fall on the beat, over major and major-type chords (e.g.
Bebop Guitar Licks
Major, Maj7, Maj6, etc.). Bb Major Bebop Scale Alternative Fingering Bebop Scales Guitar Conclusion Experiment with bebop scales by creating your own lines playing over single chord vamps and 2 5 1 progressions. Practice starting lines on chord tones, and on non-chord tones, on and off the beat.
Get a feel for how the scales flow, and play around with them – switch directions when playing the scales (i.e. Play some ascending notes in a descending line), add extra chromatic notes, etc. Remember that bebop scales aren’t strictly defined.
Any ‘extra’ chromatic notes can be added to a standard scale in order to end a line on the desired note. As you get acquainted with bebop scales you’ll begin to realise how much the timing and feel of licks and runs can be improved by the inclusion of the extra chromatic note – it’s one of the most commonly used techniques in jazz guitar playing. Learn how to play more scales at our main scale page:.
Download your copy of our printable guitar scales pdf ebook:. Teaching yourself jazz guitar? Check out our review of jazz guitar books:. Play along to a range of.
Bebop licks for guitar, presented in notation and TAB. These licks are based on the dominant form of the bebop scale. Paediatric glasgow coma scale.
The dominant bebop scale is basically a mixolydian scale with an extra passing note inserted between the root and the b7. For example, a G dominant bebop scale contains the notes: G, A, B, C, D, E, F, F#, G. The extra note in this case is the F#. The bebop scale is not a part of strict musical harmony, rather it has evolved out of the kind of lines bebop musicians play. Bebop Licks – Lick 1. Bebop Lick 9 ad name=”Google Adsense Lge Rec” Notes On Playing Bebop Licks Play the licks at a slow tempo at first, perhaps with a slight ‘swing’ rhythm.
Bebop Licks Guitar Pdf Pictures
Once you get used to them, start to increase the tempo and you’ll feel how the extra note makes the lines smoother and more interesting. There are many ways of embellishing the standard bebop scale, one common way being to ‘enclose’ notes by playing the notes around them before playing the target note. Listening to jazz musicians will help you identify other ways in which bebop scales were used. Like all jazz improvisation, bebop is a language in itself, and the only way it can really be learned is by exposing yourself to it, picking up some phrases and beginning to use them yourself. Listen to some records and see if you can recognise when a bebop scale is being used, then try to play the line back by ear. As stated previously, the great bebop musicians were not consciously using bebop scales – they were simply creating lines using major and mixolydian scales and inserting the extra notes to help them flow.
Once you have got your fingers round the bebop scale in a couple of positions, start to invent your own lines over static chords and ii V I changes. This entry was posted in and tagged on. Post navigation.