Does anyone have a list of tweaks for Vista, that are recommended to improve the performance of my Crucial M225 256gb ssd? Does Crucial have a list of tweaks?

Have read several articles about tweaks, problem is one guy says do tweak x, next guy says don't do tweak x. I have tried a few of the tweaks, and can't really see any difference, with the testing programs that I use. I guess want I an looking for is a list of tweaks with somekind of rating like: 1) will improve performance 2) might improve 3) wont improve, might hurt It would really be good if Crucial would provide some guides for this. Thanks for the reply. That is pretty much what I have done.


Disabled: prefetch (with registry tweak) superfetch defrag indexing Any thoughts on the pagefile? Some say disable, others say ABSOLUTLY do not disable. As for the aligning. I thought that Vista and Win7 did the right kind of alignment automatically. If not, how can I check my alignment to make sure that it is correct? What should the alignment be?

If the alignment is incorrect, will changing it require a complete reinstall of all the software? Thanks again Stephen.

Askvg Windows 10 Registry Tweaks

People do seem to be under the impression that you need a swap file. Microsofts official line now is that if you have enough ram and your programs don't need one (some stupid old apps check you have one) then you don't need to run one. See here: On the other hand if you do need one due to lack of ram or badly coded programs then they also say an ssd is the best place to put one: I've got 4gb of ram and have run without one for weeks. People will say you shouldn't do that because if an app goes pear shaped and requests loads of ram it'll crash Windows. A) a 32 bit app can only use 3gb of ram so you'd need 2 to go pear shaped at the same time. B) I had a 64 bit app use up all my ram and all that happened is Windows slowed down until it had finished.

Windows 10 Registry Speed Tweaks

And yes if Vista or Windows 7 created your partition then it will be aligned correctly. OK, as this thread has been added to a FAQ I guess I should detail how to make the changes in question! The instructions are for Windows 7 but should apply to Vista too: To disable Superfetch and drive indexing got to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. Locate the services 'Superfetch' and 'Windows Search', double click them in turn and set them to disabled. You can also disable the defrag service or if you intend to use the windows defrag on a mechanical drive then set it to manual however you also need to follow the step below for defrag To stop defragging on your ssd (note it does not appear to be sufficient in all cases to just disable the service as above) then open up defrag by right clicking your drive in My Computer and choosing Properties - Tools - Defragment Now.

Click Configure Schedule and untick Run on a Schedule then click OK and close defrag. You can also disable boot time prefetching which is designed to speed up WIndows boot on mechanical drives but Windows boots faster on my SSD with is off. This involves the use of regedit so if you've never used that before I don't recommend this be your first time just to shave 3 seconds off a Windows boot! In regedit go to HKLM System CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager Memory Management PrefectParameters. Double click Enable Prefetcher and set it to 0. To an extent it depends how regularly you load stuff off the mechanical drive.

Superfetch loads into a memory cache your frequently used programs. If they're that frequently used you probably want them on your SSD? Certainly anything used during your Windows startup should be.

I for instance have Windows, all my apps, my docs and Warcraft on the SSD. And just keep media and less frequently used games on the mechanical drive. None of which would need cached. If I had the 128gb i'd be keeping whatever are my latest and currently played games as well as wow on there! The same applies to Drive Indexing. If you keep documents you need indexed on the mechanical drive then I guess it's best to leave Windows Search service running and just disable Drive Indexing on the SSD.

You can do this by right clicking the drive in My computer and unticking 'allow files on this drive to have contents indexed.' Will take it a while to do this though.

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These aren't random suggestions. They are actually disabled by Microsoft within Windows 7 automatically when it detects an SSD. So all you are doing is setting up Vista, which was around before SSD's, to play as well as Windows 7 which supports SSD's. With the exception that Windows 7 supports Trim and Vista does not. For why defrag is disabled see: Prefetching and Superfetch are techniques to speed up data access that were designed for mechanical drives. Testing has shown they are not needed when you have drives as fast as SSD's and the overhead of these services may even slow you down. DIsabling prefetching for instance sped up my Windows boot.


Windows 7 Ssd Tweaks

By overhead I mean all these are designed to keep an eye on frequently used data and preload it. When your drive is so fast it can load it instantly anyway then you're merely wasting memory by doing that as well as causing unnecessary writes to the SSD as it maintains logs of what you use. Indexing searches your drive and maintains an index of whats on it speed up searching. Most people disable that anyway even on mechanical drives because it's annoying having your hard disk going all the time while your PC is idle. To an extent this one depends on whether you use Windows search a lot. For files on the SSD, the drive is fast enough you don't need an index - at least I don't seem to.

The main problem now from an SSD point of view is this does its thing while the drive is idle which means the drive won't be idle from Garbage Collections point of view. But also again you're keeping a frequently written to log of file locations for no real performance benefit as the drive is fast enough to not really need it.


Beware of TLC, get SLC or MLC Stuff. is important to get the most out of an SSD.